We know that social media is a platform that is used by billions of people in the world. Now people wanted to update their status to connect with their contacts. And social media is the best platform where you can show off your mood every day. Sometimes people wanted the Hate You Status and Quotes for their enemies. If you find the Hate You Status and Quotes? Don’t worry your entry is in the right place. For public demand today we are sharing the Hate You Status, Quotes. It can help you for showing off your Hate through Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. When your enemy sees that his mood is down. So, without any further delay, let’s dive into the below collections of hate you status and captions as well.
Hate You Status
- I hate feeling unwanted.
- I wish I could hate you.
- I don’t know what I have become.
- Silence is better than lies.
- I hate you but I can’t stop loving you.
- Hating is easy, love takes courage.
- I hate you for making me love you.
- I hate stupid people… period!
- I hate love, although I like lovers.
- Haters are only my motivators.
- I hate when the remote is way over there.
- I hate the 160 character texting limit!
- I hate you from the bottom of my heart.
- I hate Love. It’s my only weakness.
- We are never ever getting back together.
- Hate cages all the good things about you.
- TRUST… Only a group of FiVe alphabets for ME.
- I honestly hate knowing that I will never have you.
- I Don’t Hate You, I… Ehm… Never Mind I Hate You.
- Never waste a single moment sitting around your haters.
- One good thing about you, you’re easy to ignore.
- Pain and Love walk hand in hand. I Hate Love.
- Every single hater was af**k*ng stepping stone!!!
- I absolutely hate it when my seat belt gets stuck.
- Sometimes, I wish I could delete you from my memories like I delete unwanted files from my computer.
- You’re the reason why they say love can turn into hate so quickly.
- My dislike for you grows stronger with each breath I take.
- If hating you were an Olympic sport, I’d be a gold medalist by now.
- You’ve become a permanent stain on the canvas of my life, and I can’t scrub you off.
- Every time I think of you, I can feel my blood boiling with resentment.
- If hate had a face, it would be yours staring back at me.
- I never knew I was capable of harboring such intense disdain until I met you.
- You’re like a dark cloud that follows me everywhere, raining negativity into my life.
- The mere thought of you is enough to make my skin crawl with contempt.
I Hate You Status
- People change a lot. That’s what I hate.
- I hate math but I love counting money.
- Before you hate me, let me give you a reason.
- I hate you for the sacrifices you made for me.
- I hate it when people change randomly.
- I don’t have your attitude I have my own.
- Love is really just Hate in Disguise.
- I hate you… hate you more than anything.
- Love to be alone, hate to be lonely.
- I hate all the bullshit…and heart brakes!
- I guess I’m not good enough for you. Go and f**k yourself!
- Jealousy is ugly – that would explain your face.
- Sometimes its good to forget good memories.
- We all have only one life please treasure it.
- I hate myself for still thinking about you.
- I absolutely hate it when my seat belt gets stuck.
- I hate love because its wound takes time to heal.
- Don’t spend time with people you don’t like.
- It’s not that I hate you oh wait I do hate you.
- Haters, please stay far away from me. You all have bad energy.
- I have a rude thought every three seconds!
- It’s better to be alone than to be with a looser.
- Hate a person seriously but never try to love for fun.
- Haters hate because they hate seeing you do better!
- “You’ve become nothing more than a bitter memory I wish I could erase.”
- “Every moment spent with you feels like a wasted breath.”
- “Your presence brings nothing but turmoil into my life.”
- “I’m tired of pretending to care when all you bring is disappointment.”
- “You’ve managed to turn love into something I now despise.”
- “The mere thought of you makes my blood boil with resentment.”
- “I regret every second I’ve wasted on someone as toxic as you.”
- “You’ve tainted every good memory I ever had.”
- “I’d rather walk alone than endure another moment with you.”
- “You’re not worth the hatred I feel towards you, but here it is anyway.”
Hating Life Status For WhatsApp
- No matter how long you know someone, they eventually show their true colors.
- Karma is a bitch. And when the bitch barks, people complain about her being noisy…
- The person I love hates me no it sucks so bad I am F..bad..ed up.
- If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.
- Jiski sazaa sirf tum ho, Mujhe aisa koi gunaah karna hain. [Hindi Status]
- People don’t like to see u bless they want you to stay on their level.
- The only part of my body that can’t hide emotions is my eyes and I hate it!
- Pretty words are not always true and true words are not always pretty.
- I love you hurts more than I hate you when I know I can’t have you.
- Life is sweet but if you hate yours at least we know where you’re going.
- From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.
- Think twice before you say it’s over because once I shut my door, they will never be open again for you.
- Haters will learn to love me, lovers will learn to hate me, but no matter what happens you will never learn to break me.
- You cannot hate other people without hating your self.
- When we don’t know who to hate, we hate ourselves.
- I Don’t Hate You, I Just .. I…Yeah. Never Mind I Hate You.
- No matter how much I say I hate you, just know I still care.
- War doesn’t determine who’s right, it determines who’s left.
- Let’s just get it straight. I f**king hate u.
- Words can sting like anything, but silence breaks the heart.
- Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.
- Hate is always a clash between our spirit and someone else’s body.
- Sometimes I hate my eyes because it’s the only part of my face that can’t hide my real emotions…
- What Am I Supposed To Do When The Best Part Of Me Was Always You?
- “Life’s just a series of disappointments, isn’t it?”
- “Another day, another reason to question existence.”
- “Sometimes I wonder if life is a punishment in disguise.”
- “Frustration is my constant companion in this journey called life.”
- “Feeling like life’s punching bag today, taking hit after hit.”
- “If life gave awards for misery, I’d be a top contender.”
- “Why does life always seem to have it out for me?”
- “Just when you think life can’t get any worse, it does.”
- “Running on empty, trying to find a purpose in this meaningless existence.”
- “Dear life, can you throw me a bone? Anything to make this struggle worthwhile.”
Best I Hate You Status For WhatsApp
- There’s always one person that everybody else loves but you HATE.
- I was looking for someone that can improve my life, but then I met you and found my life in you which were already perfect.
- If someone hates you for no reason….. Well, give them one good one.
- If I had known it would hurt this much, I would never have told you I love you.
- You can’t blame me – I was born a pessimist. My blood type is actually B negative.
- I hate you for the way you smile when you look at me.
- Don’t be afraid of sacrificing your life to God.
- When I love you it’s real and when you get on my bad side, I hate you.
- If someone hates you for no reason….. Well, give them one good one.
- Don’t spend time with people you don’t like.
- Unsaid words can mean anything and everything.
- It hates when people can run their mouths behind your back.
- I hate these haters, all their bullshit, and all their f**king allegations!!!
- If you hate sarcasm, then stop asking stupid questions.
- Love has given me more pain than love. I hate love.
- You hate me?! Wow, I didn’t even know you existed.
- Hating me won’t make you pretty! IN FACT, not even plastic surgery would help!
- One of the few things that can’t be recycled is wasted time.
- You can hate me if you want, but I swear I’ll keep f**king you until you either love me or die…
- We love without reason, and without reason we hate.
- Haters are my stepping stones… they try 2 bring me down, but I use them 2 go higher up…
- If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.
- I hate you with the exact same measure that I once loved you.
- People are jealous not because they hate you its because they hate themselves.
- “Your presence irritates me more than a slow internet connection.”
- “If hating you were a profession, I’d be a CEO.”
- “Congratulations, you’ve successfully made it to the top of my ‘I can’t stand you’ list.”
- “I hope your day is as pleasant as you are annoying.”
- “I’d rather listen to static than to your voice.”
- “You’re the reason I believe in silent treatment.”
- “If ignorance is bliss, consider yourself the happiest person on earth.”
- “Every time you speak, I understand why some animals eat their young.”
- “I’m allergic to your nonsense.”
- “May your life be as pleasant as you are to be around.”
I Hate You Captions For Instagram
- I rather stay alone than roll along with losers…
- I hate you, and you and you too. Now try and figure out who this status is about!
- Life rocks but if you hate your life at least we know where going.
- I don’t hate you, I hate what you do, and who you have become as a person.
- I hate it when people watch me using the computer.
- Not even plastic surgery can make you beautiful when you hate on me. Stop hating me!
- The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. If you hate someone, you still care.
- I hate you and tore my heart into pieces. I hate love.
- If I treated you how you treated me… trust me… you would hate me.
- Smile in front of people who hate you… Ur happiness kills them.
- I hate you because I love you, I know you love me but your ego stopped you.
- Love U… Love U… Kehna hi Pyar Nahi Hota.., bewafa kya Jaane Pyar main kya mithaas hai..! {Hindi Status}
- I hate to fight. I like to love it. But I will fight for what I love.
- Hate me and I swear I’ll f… with you till you love me or die.
- If I treated you how you treated me… trust me… you would hate me.
- Hate is a powerful word I don’t usually use it but because of your special ill use it.
- Says you can either Love or Hate me, either way, you’ll be thinking of me.
- It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
- I don’t have time to hate people bcz. I’m busy loving people who love me.
- Did I forget to mention I hate being taken for a cunt?!
- Of course, I talk to myself because sometimes I need expert advice.
- I hate you with the same amount of passion that I once loved you with.
- “My tolerance for you is lower than my phone battery.”
- “If I had a dollar for every time I thought about you, I’d be in debt.”
- “I’d block you, but I’m saving that satisfaction for a rainy day.”
- “You’re the reason I’m considering a ‘mute’ button for real life.”
- “I’d rather listen to a recorder concert than spend another minute with you.”
- “Every time you speak, I understand the importance of silence.”
- “I’d rather lick a cactus than tolerate your presence.”
- “If annoying was a sport, you’d be an Olympic gold medalist.”
- “You’re like a mosquito in a room full of bug spray—irritatingly persistent.”
- “I’d wish you good luck, but I’d rather wish you far away from me.”
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